While going through the facebook on Sunday morning, pakShahidan Razak came on-line to chat with pakdokter and enquired if it was possible to play in the same flight as pakdokter in the afternoon's monthly medal at the Tasik Puteri. Pakdokter reassured pakShahidan that it was no problem...." ini bisa diatur, pak!".....
An immediate sms to the SGC Captain and Vice-Captain was sent out and a reply to the affirmative was received immediately. Thanking them pakdokter promised that their prompt and generous arrangement will be duly rewarded.
Pakdokter grew up observing the Malay tradition and practices of always donating combs of bananas whenever they go to the mosques to observe their 'jemaah' prayers. And these kind and generous 'overtures' have been deeply etched into pakdokter's 'Melayu psyche'. So when it came to consider how to show pakdokter's appreciation to the SGC's Captain's and Vice-Captain's deed to pakdokter's simple request, pakdokter bought a comb of bananas for them which was received on their behalf by the SGC Treasurer, pakWanHusin. In the spirit of transparency, pakdokter has taken the liberty to post a picture of the 'sedekah' on this blog.
( Pakdokter did consider buying a crate of 'mandarin' oranges initially since there was so much of these Chinese fruits in town during this CNY period......pakdokter thought that this would be a nice 1Malaysia gesture.....but on second thought, pakdokter has always been a Melayu first and a Malaysian second.....)
The SGC Captain obliged to pakdokter's request to play with pakShahidan and pakAK who was pakdokter's batchmate in STAR in 1964. PakHamid Shafie who was in pakShahidan's batch of 1966 was the other player in the flight and our game became a match between the 1964 pair against the 1966 pair ( the duel of which pakdokter had reported in pakdokter's own blog at http://www.pakdoktergolfblog.blogspot.com/. If fellow readers are interested to read pakdokter's report of that duel, please go to the website.)